“Zhas Kanat”

9.10.12 starts five-day progamme of autumn international departure school of trade union leaders “Zhas Kanat”

The aim of departure is development of relations between active youth of Karaganda and trade union leaders of other countries and cities, to attract freshmen for active work in primary trade union organization of KSTU students and undergraduates, development of personality qualities of young people by means of trainings on personality development and team building. Also there’s development and further realization of projects, directed on solution of students trade unions’ problems.


1 day – October 9

15.00 – 19.00
Solemn opening. Team building training.
KSTU, II building, aud. № 207

2 day – October 10

15.00 – 19.00
Municipal photo-quest
KSTU, square in front the main building

3 day – October 12

Gathering of participants, departure to the base
«Polytechnic» cafe
5 day – October 14

Departure to Karaganda
Base of Temirtau

At the end of departure is expected more intensive cooperation between trade union organizations of the Republic and near abroad. Active attraction of our university students to the work of trade union organization of students and undergraduates of KSTU. Also the realization of projects directed to the solution of students trade unions’ problems.

Contact person: Ibrayeva Aida- 8 700 335 95 77; 8 778 639 86 70
