Department of information technology on 24.11.2014 -15.12.2014 was visited by foreign scientists to conduct seminars and lectures for students of the IT majors.
Conducted activities will be on the chairs: DPS and Instrumentation
The Department DPS:
Daniela Gotseva, PhD, Professor of technical University of Sofia.
Theme: “Automated systems of data processing and control systems”
Skshydlewski Anton Alekseevich, k.t.s. of St. Petersburg national research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics.
Topic: “Working with databases in Java, the JDBC Driver”.
Irina Radchenko Alekseevna, k.t.s. of St. Petersburg national research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics.
Theme: “Advanced analytical research on the Internet”.
The Department of Instrumentation:
Ignatov Alexander Nikolayevich, academician of IAR , Professor, PhD of Siberian state University of Telecommunications and Informatics.
Theme: “Optoelectronics and nanophotonics”.
Veselinov Ventsislav, PhD, Professor of technical University of Sofia.
Theme: “Measurement Control”.