V Republican student scientific-practical conference “Modern problems of formation of healthy lifestyle among young people”


November 28, 2014 in Karaganda state industrial University will be held the Republican scientific-practical conference “Modern problems of formation of healthy lifestyle among young people.” The conference program will include plenary, oral and poster presentations.
Topics of the breakout sessions:

  • Health as a social value. The formation of healthy lifestyle among youth.
  • Spiritual and moral foundations of personal development.
  • Legal culture and deviant behavior among youth

The reports submitted to the conference must contain the results of relevant scientific research or to have practical importance. The best papers will be awarded with diplomas, prizes and included in the conference proceedings by decision of the organizing Committee.

The conference schedule: Report of plenary – 10-15 minutes; report of the sectional – 5-7 minutes; Speech in the debate – 3 minutes;
Conference working languages: Kazakh, Russian, English

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