Today, on September 5, Vice-rector for Educational Work of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University Kalykov Abai Koblandievich held a meeting with 1st year students studying at the faculties of Innovative Technologies and Mining.

Abai Kobylandievich congratulated all students on entering the university and the start of the new academic year, noting that they made an excellent choice on the path to education. He spoke about the goals and objectives of the university, and also discussed the importance of active participation of students in the educational process, the social life of faculties and the university as a whole. He answered students’ questions, shared tips on successful learning and adaptation to university life. He also stressed the importance of teamwork and initiative in the learning process.

During the meeting, the Vice-rector spoke about the university’s learning process, internal regulations and available opportunities for students. He familiarized them with the work of the student organization “Zhas Orda” created at the university and noted that he supported the curiosity and creativity of young people, because they are the future of the country. He encouraged them to actively participate in university life, make new friends and reveal their talents. He stated that he was always ready to implement new ideas and initiatives. He gave useful advice to students living in the dormitory and just adapting to life at the university.

This meeting was very important for the students. During the transition to a new environment and acquaintance with the life of the university, the support and sincere wishes of the leadership spiritually strengthened the students and gave them confidence in their abilities. Such meetings help new students integrate into the university environment faster.

At the end of the meeting, a presentation about university life was shown.
