The University received the invitation to the conference

src-300x1981. from 16 to 17 October  2014 the Institute of sociology of NAS of Belarus invites you to take part in the International scientific conference “Science and society: history and modernity”. Minsk.

2  from 16 to 17 October  2014 we invite you to take part in all – Russian scientific-practical conference “Information and telecommunication systems and technologies”. Conference dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the Department of applied information technology KuzSTU. Kemerovo.

3. from 1 to 30 November  2014 we invite you to take part in the VI International Internet-conference of young scientists, postgraduates and students “Innovative technologies: theory, tools, and practices (InnoTech 2014) in the framework of the state program of development of the activities of student unions. Perm.

4. from 17 to 19 September 2014 are invited to attend the 20th Anniversary Central Asian International Exhibition “Mining equipment, mining and ore minerals MiningWorldCentralAsia 2014 and the 7th Central Asian International Exhibition “metallurgy, metal-working and machinery construction”Kazmet-2014  Almaty.

5. September 13, 2014 invites you to take part in the International scientific-practical conference “Dynamics of Development of Modern Science”. Ufa.

September 18, 2014 invites you to take part in the International scientific-practical conference “Innovative Processes of Modernity”. Ufa

September 23, 2014 invites you to take part in the international scientific – practical conference “Scientific Aspects of Globalization Processes”.Ufa.

September 28, 2014 invites you to take part in the International scientific-practical conference “Scientific Opinion on Modern Society.” Ufa.

6.Kazakh  Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpayev “Herald of KazATC” invites you to publish scientific articles, policy briefs, newsletters and promotional materials on the main aspects of development, implementation, and experience in scientific practice and in various sectors of the national economy of instruments, equipment and technologies implemented on the basis of new technical principles and phenomena. in Almaty.
