1. Test tasks in materials science and technology of the structural materials: training manual for students of high technical professional education/[A. Smolkin. I. Batyshev, V.I. Bezpalko, A.Z. Issagulov]; by A. A. Smolkina. — M.: Publishing House “Academy”, 2011. — 144 p. ISBN 978-5-7695-6960-9
The test tasks for materials science and technology of structural materials are drawn up in four forms: closed and opened forms, tests for compliance and consistency. The use of new generation in test tasks can significantly reduce the guessing of right answers and more accurately estimate the amount and level knowledge (from 0 to 100%) of tested students and identify their creative and technical abilities.
Intended for students of institutions of higher professional education. It may be useful to teachers, as well as the evaluation for engineering staff of industrial enterprises.