Students visited the Museum of Memory of Victims of Political Repressions KarLag

On May 28, 2024, the Department of Communication Systems Technologies, in order to carry out educational work and improve the cultural life of teaching staff and students of the CST Department, organized an excursion trip to the Museum of Memory of the Victims of Political Repression, KarLag. The excursion was attended by 7 teaching staff and 25 first-year students of the educational program “Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications” (groups RET-23-1 and RET-23-2). During the excursion, museum staff provided historical information, showed illustrations of those times, and students and teaching staff could familiarize themselves with historical documents stored in the museum.

Let us remind you that the Museum of Memory of the Victims of Political Repression in the village of Dolinka was created in 2002. A part of the outpatient clinic building in the village of Dolinka (a former Karlag facility – a clinic for civilian employees) was allocated for the museum. Since 2010, it has been located in the building of the former Karlag NKVD headquarters. The exhibition area is 2078.645 sq.m., the museum’s funds contain a huge number of exhibits: maps, photographs, documents, paintings, books, personal belongings of Karlag prisoners.
