Students of KSTU discussed the transition to the Latin alphabet

As of today, the prospect of the transition of Kazakh language from Cyrillic to Latin is one of the most pressing and complex issues of public concern in our Republic. The students of Karaganda state technical University are actively involved in discussions of this topic.

2 October 2017, KSTU held a conference «New symbols of scientific achievement». The Organizing Committee of the conference – Vice – rector for Science, Doctor of Engineering, professor Sergey Ozhigin and Director of Science and Innovation Department, associate professor Oleg Muravyov, Doctor of Engineering, professor, MDO Department Tuyak Issabek, Doctor of Economics, professor, head of Department EME Akhmetzhanov Bura.

The moderator of the conference – professor of MDO Department Ibadulla Arystan. Tatiana Gordeyeva, a student of group ST-14-1P, who introduced compressed information block on “Republican plan of transition to the Latin alphabet” was heard. Historical excursus on the topic “Evolution of writing systems of Kazakh language and its romanization as an objective response to world globalization processes” was presented by Miras Zhiyenbayev, student of FIEM-15-3. This theme was further developed by the student of OP-15-6 Fariza Kanat, who mentioned the pros and cons of transition to the Latin alphabet, which had taken place in other Turkic-speaking countries. Zarina Shapenova, student of OPI-16-2 and Aizhan Taubebayeva, student of MET-14-1P revealed the advantages of using the Latin alphabet, which would provide opportunities for greater inclusion in the global scientific process and the prospects for the participation of students of KSTU in the development of research projects.

The master students, students of the faculties of Power Engineering, Telecommunications and Automation, Machine-building (over 250 people) took participation in the conference.
