Personal pages of the teaching staff

Innovation Technology faculty

Employees of the faculty of innovative technologies!

Dean of the Faculty of Innovative Technologiesa

Samashova Gulfarida Ergalievna

Duties: general management of the Faculty of Innovative Technologies. Work with students and teachers to ensure high-quality educational process, educational and methodical, scientific and educational work. Resume.

  Zhumakanova Fariza Dauletkhankiza. Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs.

Duties: ensuring the preparation of documentation on the organization of the educational process, drawing up a schedule of studies, the timely conduct of student attestation on current progress and attendance of classes, the organization of the accounting of students’ progress, setting deadlines for exams, tests, retake exams, monitoring the implementation of direct management of the faculty’s educational and methodical work teachers of educational documentation, the work of departments and teachers on the organization of educational and methodical work with by students.

  Sagatbekova Dinara Ermekovna. Deputy Dean for educational work

Duties: work in the Faculty Council, work with faculty curators of the faculty, chair the faculty supervisors council, carrying out educational work in university dormitories, organizing and conducting various kinds of events.

Жорабек Айгүл Асқаровна. Deputy Dean for Research.

Duties: supervises issues of science related to the publication of articles in cited journals, filing applications for patents, obtaining patents, plans and reports on the Corporate University, reports on research and development projects and departments.
