A graduate of this Modular educational program is awarded a Bachelor of Engineering and Technology degree in 6B07106 – “Transport, Transport Equipment and Technology”.
“Bachelor of Engineering and Technology” according to OP 6B07106 –”Transport, transport equipment and technology” can perform the following types of professional activities:
-production and technological activities: development of design, technological, design and estimate documentation for the creation and repair of transport equipment; organization of the work of a team of performers, taking into account different opinions and management decisions; compromise solutions taking into account various requirements (cost, quality, deadlines and safety) with different types of planning and determining optimal solutions; – accounting for various types of costs in order to ensure the production of high-quality products;
-organizational and managerial activities: optimization of manufacturing technologies, maintenance and restoration of transport equipment and equipment; quality control of technological processes, materials and finished products; selection and effective use of materials, equipment and other means for the implementation of production processes; metrological verification of measuring instruments for product quality indicators; carrying out activities for standardization and certification of transport equipment and equipment, technology of their manufacture and repair; organization and management of services, enterprises related to the operation and repair of transport equipment;
-design and engineering activities: defining the goals and objectives of the project, taking into account various factors when building the structure of their interrelations and identifying priority areas for solving problems; development and analysis of solutions to problems of forecasting consequences, planning and implementation of projects; development of projects of machinery and equipment taking into account technological, design, aesthetic, economic and other parameters; use of information technology in the selection of materials, transport equipment and equipment.
-scientific and pedagogical activity: work in scientific and educational organizations.
The educational program 6B11302 “Logistics” (Transport) is a field of activity aimed at planning, organizing and effectively managing material, information, financial and other flows.
Educational program “Logistics” (Transport) it is relevant and popular in the labor market, is included in the list of the most popular professions of the XXI century.
Students enrolled in the educational program “Logistics” (Transport) during their studies gain skills and knowledge in such areas as: management and control of the movement of material, information and financial flows in transport and logistics systems, transport legislation, logistics management of the enterprise, the ability to work with technical and accounting documentation, business skills communication.
Graduates of 6B11302 “Logistics” (Transport) work as:
-logistics managers in foreign trade, international trading companies;
-managers of customs or consignment warehouses at manufacturing enterprises;
-in freight forwarding companies for the transportation of goods and passengers;
-in cargo handling and packaging companies;
-distribution companies;
can perform the following types of professional activities:
– production and management;
– scientific research;
– pedagogical;
– organizational and technological;
– project.
Functions of professional activity
The main functions of the graduates’ professional activity are: teaching disciplines under bachelor’s degree programs in the organization of education, researcher, designer, mechanic, head of various sections of factories, manufacturing enterprises for the manufacture and operation of transport, engineer for the repair of transport and equipment; as the head of public administration of industrial enterprises; researcher and teacher in educational organizations.
Areas of professional activity include:
– improvement of the design of transport equipment and equipment;
– complex mechanization and automation of transport equipment and technological processes;
– establishment and provision of optimal modes of operation of transport equipment and equipment.
Types of professional activities
“Master in Logistics” in specialty 7M11302 – “Logistics and Supply Chain Management” can perform the following types of professional activities:
organizational and technological activities: analysis and decision-making related to relationships with suppliers, consumers, intermediaries in supply chains; accounting for various types of costs in order to ensure optimal procurement; organizing the work of a team of performers, taking into account different opinions and making management decisions; compromise solutions taking into account various requirements (cost, quality, deadlines and safety) for different types of planning and determining optimal solutions;
production and management activities: formation of a strategy for the development of logistics of companies; organization and management of services, enterprises related to the production, distribution, transportation and warehousing of goods;
project activities: development and analysis of options for solving problems of predicting consequences, planning and implementation of projects; development of business process projects related to storing goods at warehouse terminals, moving products from production sites to intermediate storage points and points of sale; use of information technology when choosing optimal solutions for moving, warehousing and storing goods; determining the goals and objectives of the project, taking into account various factors when constructing the structure of their relationships and identifying priority areas for solving problems.
Functions of professional activity
The main functions of graduates’ professional activities are: design optimal supply chains based on a detailed study of the needs of the enterprise, region, country; reengineering and modernization of existing supply chains, with the lowest material, labor and financial costs; carrying out work on the preparation of technical documentation and established reporting according to approved forms.
Areas of professional activity
Areas of professional activity include:
– designing optimal supply chains;
– reengineering and modernization of supply chains;
– management of transshipment processes and transport and warehouse operations at production points and at consumers;
– coordination of goals and coordination of the activities of individual enterprises in the supply chain and various departments within the enterprise.
The subjects of professional activity of graduates are mathematical, informational, software, linguistic, technical and organizational and legal support of transport technologies, including technologies of design, development, implementation, maintenance and their operation.
“Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)” according to the educational program 8D07102 –”Transport, transport equipment and technologies” can perform the following types of professional activities:
– Carries out educational activities in higher education organizations;
– Conducts independent research and development work to solve actual scientific and practical problems of technical production and manages them;
– Organizes its own activities and the activities of subordinates for the successful achievement of strategic and tactical goals of the organization;
– Carries out a feasibility study of the project;
– Plans the work of individual departments and the enterprise as a whole;
– Organizes the production of the transport and technological complex;
– Controls the work of structural units and production in general;
– Carries out the development of advanced technologies, the introduction of new equipment and the modernization of production.
Concerning a choice of an educational trajectory of students the adviser advises. An adviser – is a teacher of chair of «Transport engineering and logistics system», providing functions of the instructor trained on a specialty, assisting in a choice of a trajectory of training and development of an educational program in training.
Kyzylbaeva Elvira
Adviser for a educational program «Logistic»

Sungatollakyzy Aidana
Adviser for a educational program «Transport, the transport equipment and echnologies»