Due to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Academy of Natural Sciences held a competition of innovation projects ‘Zhas Galym– 2016’. The purpose of this competition is promotion and encouragement of research and innovation, creation of organizational conditions for advanced research and development, identification and support of talented young researchers.
The Competition Commission awarded the IV place to PhD student of KSTU Mussin Ravil Altavovich for the work ‘Establishing parameters and development of progressive technological schemes of excavation with the anchor’ and awarded diplomas and valuable gifts on the results of the competition.
Certificates of appreciation from President KazNANS were awarded to:
Rusanov Andrey Andreyevich for the work ‘Thermal insulating materials and products on the basis of cenospheres’;
Abisheva Dinara Kairzhanovna ‘Theoretical study of leakage of current suspension insulators of overhead transmission lines of Kazakhstan’;
Andreyashchenko Violetta Alexandrovna ‘Development and study of apparatus for implementing forging broach with the purpose of providing high quality machined pieces’.
The award was held on 9 December 2016 at the meeting of the KazNANS Presidium in Astana.