Session 5 of the “Electronics and Telecommunications” section of the international scientific and practical conference “XVI Saginov Readings. Integration of education, science and production”

On June 13, 2024, a meeting of the 5th section “Electronics and telecommunications, international scientific and practical conference “XVI Saginov Readings. Integration of education, science and production”.

A total of 16 reports were submitted to the section, and 10 of them were heard at the conference meeting.

This year, together with the teachers of the department, representatives of Kazakhtelecom JSC (Rakhmangulov R.Z.), and scientists from other universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation (SKU named after M. Kozybaev, NSTU – Novosibirsk, KarU named after E.A.Buketov, KazATU named after S. Seifullin, MSTU – Murmansk, etc.). participated in writing the abstracts of the conference.

All the reports reviewed have relevant topics and practical significance for the scientific world. The reports are written in good technical language, and the speakers are fully aware of the topics and issues of their reports.

Based on the results of the meeting of the 5th section of the conference, it was decided to recommend the following participants (speakers) of the Conference for awarding the rector’s diplomas “For active participation in the conference”:

1) Gavrilovа M.A., Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov, senior lecturerof the CST  department, master’s degree, report “Determination of position using wi-fi signals”

2) Sakenova S.Zh., senior lecturer of the CST department, Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov, master’s degree; Petrov P.A., PhD, North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybaev; report “Development of a system for collecting information on electricity indicators”.
