Senior teacher of the CST department Sakenova Samal Zhanatovna became the winner of the competition for young scientists

At the Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov on April 29, 2024, under the chairmanship of the acting member – the Board of Vice-Rector for HP A.K. Rakishev, Deputy Chairman, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Isagulov A.Z. and members of the competition commission Zharkevich O.M., Suleeva B.D., Azilkhanov R.K. A competition of scientific projects for a grant for young scientists was held.

The purpose of the competition was to stimulate research activities and develop the scientific potential of young university scientists.

Based on the analysis of the submitted documents and the results of hearing the applicants, an assessment was made and the results were determined.

One of the winners of the competition was Sakenova Samal Zhanatovna, senior teacher of the CST department.

Congratulations to Sakenova S.Zh. with a grant for research work!
