We decided to optimize the reporting executable projects already this month. Under the old standard contract scientists had to submit endless reports – financial and annotation that have spent too much time and effort. Just imagine: 2-3 times per year managers of projects with huge bags of records (each 250-300 pages) to the Science Committee and handed them in live queues that, in addition to the inconvenience and lack of practical use, has created fertile ground for corruption and in general reduced the effectiveness of any work of the committee.
We decided to end it. Now contracts are renewed with all project implementers now it is not necessary to take any financial or annotated reports, instead we introduce a simplified form of the report on use of allocated funds, which will give up together with the annual report on research work. The paperwork reduction 60-70% is planned, in addition, optimizations of budgetary processes – they now do not depend on the volume of delivered papers.
What about control?
It is a reasonable question. Our position – the problem is always cheaper and more effective to prevent during prevention than to deal with its consequences. Therefore, with a reduction in the number of reports increased accountability of project managers for the performance, validity and proper use of public money. This year it will not work anymore to shift the responsibility for their own actions on others.
We strengthen the monitoring of the implementation of projects – unfortunately, despite the law “On science”, until this year the monitoring was an intimate way without actually going to the place, and even then only 81 projects on 1551 projects and 56 programs. We fix it – National Research Councils, together with experts will analyze progress, identify issues and risks to achieve results and targeted use of resources.
Thus, the National Research Councils will have an efficient tool for assessing the appropriateness of the project for further funding, and implementing projects – guidelines to enhance their effectiveness.

All this is done with one purpose – to increase the responsibility of individual managers for the results of use of budgetary funds and to give scientists more time for their work, treat all the unnecessary bureaucracy.
