Scientific-practical conference on the theme: “Religious extremism in Kazakhstan: lessons, experiences, mechanisms of counteraction”

In the framework of the State program on combating religious extremism and terrorism in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2013-2017 Department of religious Affairs of Karaganda region together with the  SU “Nurly Bilim” on  November 25 of  this year plans to conduct scientific-practical conference on the theme: “Religious extremism in Kazakhstan: lessons, experiences, mechanisms of counteraction”  in two sections: “The Essence and concepts” and “Coping Mechanisms and the influence of religious extremism”.The collection of materials in the papers of the conference will be held till  October 20, 2014, on 5 November by members of the editorial Board will be the selection of materials, after which work will begin on the release of this compilation

Based on the above I ask You to provide the maximum support and start working on the collection of articles.

Requirement: the amount of articles declaring himself to speak at the plenary session of 10-15 pages, claiming to speech in sections 5-7 pages of printed font Times New Roman 14 PT, single spaced.
