Science of the department of Mechanics

Department of Mechanics

Teachers do the big scientific work in area of mechanics of a deformable solid body on following actual applied themes: “Casual fluctuations of mechanical systems”, “Likelihood methods of calculation of constructions elements”, “Destruction of massif by percussion loadings”, “Calculation and projection of one-dimensional systems of vibration isolation equipment”, “Numerical methods of the decision of dynamics problems and durability”, “ Analysis and a choice vibration ground for forming concrete products”.
Results of scientific activity have been adopted in various branches of national economy of Republic of Kazakhstan, and also they take root into educational process by preparation of bachelors and undergraduates.
According to the results of scientific work for more than 30 articles are published annually in the periodical journals and thesis of reports in international and regional scientific conferences.
There are 3 circles of student scientific societies involving about 30 students at chair.
Results of student research and development work are represented in the form of materials of student’s scientific conferences.
Performed research works
1) Use of modern innovative educational technologies (business game) in the process of teaching the “Engineering Graphics” , in the credit system of education ” discipline
Reason for implementation : research scientific work on higher school problems
Performed by: senior teacher Abilgazin B.I.
Main results: This innovative technology has been tested over the past 5 years of teaching at “Mechanics” Department of KSTU and it was proved that there are significant reserves of increasing the intensity and effectiveness of the educational process in the teaching of graphic disciplines. This is facilitated by both traditional and active teaching methods in the form of a business game.
2) Random vibration of mechanical systems.
Reason for implementation: individual initiative.
Scientific adviser: prof. Bakirov Zh.B.
Performed by: teacher Mikhailov V.F.
Main results: The method of stochastic averaging applying to the study of stochastic stability of parametric systems has been developed. The analysis of vibrations of mechanical systems to random parametric effects has been done. “Development of methods for solving nonlinear problems in statistical dynamics of mechanical systems” candidate’s thesis was prepared and presented.
3) The calculation and design of one-dimensional systems of equipment vibration isolation.
Reason for implementation: individual initiative.
Scientific adviser: prof. Bakirov Zh.B.
Performed by: Tazhenova G.D.
Main results: The problems of optimal synthesis of vibroprotective linear systems were solved. Tazhenova G.D Defended PhD thesis on this subject.

4) Numerical methods for solving problems in dynamics and strength.
Reason for implementation: individual initiative.
Scientific adviser: prof. Akhmediev S.K.
Main results: The frame and hollow core of the system shell was studied, method for their calculation in case of static and dynamic loads effect was developed. Also the theory of multilayer orthotropic triangular calculation taking into account the differences are not symmetrical layers was developed.
Scientific work with students
Scientific work with students organized in the form of 8 scientific coteries, led by professors and associate professors:
1. Kinetostatics of manipulator for assembly works (scientific adviser Ph.D. Professor. Bakirov Zh.B.).
2. The calculation and design of disk disconnectors (scientific adviser Ph.D. Professor. Bakirov Zh.B.)
3. Calculation of the plates by numerical methods (scientific adviser Ph.D., Professor Akhmediev S.K.)
4. Improving the performance of course work on TMM (scientific adviser Filippov T.S.)
5. Investigation of plane motion of a rigid body (scientific adviser Ph.D. Imanbaeva L.H.).
