
Department of «Physics»

The scientific partners of the department are:
– The Moscow State Mining University (Moscow State Mining University);
– Moscow State Aviation Institute (Bauman);
– Moscow Physical-Technical Institute (Bauman);
– Siberian State Automobile and Road Academy (SibADI);
– Orel State Agrarian University (GAU FGOU Eagle);
– Peoples’ Friendship University (People’s Friendship University);
– Karaganda Engineering Consortium (KrMC);
– NSC “Karaganda University named after academician E.A. Buketov;
– Kazakh Scientific-Research Institute of Safety in Mines (executed BGP).

Selected publications devoted to research in physical chemistry, new materials, manufacturing processes in engineering, mining industry and construction industry.

The main innovation projects:

– Establishing a system of continuous monitoring ugleporodnyh arrays during tunneling and mining operations in coal mines (by Smirnov Yu.M. Kenzhin BM);

– Development and creation of a technical process lines for processing of waste mining and metallurgical industry in building materials on the basis of hyper-( Smirnov Y.M.).

Projects are developed jointly with the Russian People’s Friendship University (Moscow), Kazakh Research Institute for Safety in Mines (Karaganda), the Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Rock Mechanics, NAS of Ukraine (Donetsk), machine-building consortium Karaganda (Karaganda .)

Research work:

– “Development of the implementation of an adaptive method of seismic effects on the coal seam.” Purpose – to create an adaptive method, the impact on ugleporodny array for the detection of disjunctive and local violations, and discharge of internal stresses in the reservoir.

– “Research and analysis of the effectiveness of innovative teaching methods in physical education bachelors.” (2 parts) Purpose – to develop e-learning tools, developing and implementing methods of problem-based learning.

– “Research, Analysis and upgrading of tests as a reliable and objective system of knowledge control and efficient training system.” (3 stages). Purpose – to develop methods for tests that meet the scientific requirements in the framework of modern test theory. The study developed recommendations for the compilation of test questions in physics, which can improve their psychometric characteristics and improve the reliability of the tests in general.


By results of economic agreements together with the Karaganda machine-building consortium in the field of improvement of monitoring of a condition coal – pedigree massifs for safety of underground rocks and creation of technologies of production and quality control of innovative energy saving construction materials and products patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan are taken out:


– 1.« Vibration source of seismic signals»;

– 2. «Way of carrying out developments on vybrosoopasny layers»;

– 3. «Way of express control of heat conductivity of materials and products»;

– 4. ” Way of mine seismic researches on coal layers “.

Department of Physics, Karaganda Technical University named after A. Saginov in the academic year 2023-2024 conducted the project “Small Academy of Schoolchildren,” aimed at identifying and supporting talented students in grades 9-11 of secondary school in Karaganda and Karaganda region.

This project is aimed at developing and supporting the intellectual potential of schoolchildren by forming, improving educational skills and developing research abilities.

Expert group, as a part of which department chair of physics Smirnov Yu.M. and the professor of chair of physics Kenzhin B. M. on the instructions of JSC National Center of the State Scientific and Technical Examination developed “The scenario of development of mechanical engineering in Kazakhstan for the period till 2030”.


Plan of SRW

Plan of SRWS

Publications in journals with impact factor

Research directions
