Saginov Technical University hosted a Decade of Faculties

A Decade of Faculties that was scheduled for March at Saginov Technical University was opened by the Faculty of Transport and Roads. Then it was continued by the other six faculties: Mining, Architecture and Construction, Engineering Economics and Management, Power Engineering, Automation and Telecommunications, Mechanical Engineering, Innovative Technologies.

The Decade of Faculties was attended by university students, students of comprehensive schools and colleges, managers and specialists of many manufacturing enterprises, successful graduates. They shared their work experience, aimed the young people at obtaining quality education, maximum use of the opportunities for obtaining knowledge provided by the University. Fortunately, our University is not inferior to the best universities in the country in terms of its technical equipment, faculty and teaching staff and enjoys a well-deserved reputation.

Advice and recommendations received from practitioners with extensive experience in certain specialties are always of particular value to students and pupils. Among the guests of the Decade of Faculties there were such authoritative in their field managers and specialists as Director of the Architectural Bureau “G-Group” LLP, Chairman of the Union of Architects Yuri German, Deputy Director of the Karaganda regional branch of the NC KazAvtoZhol JSC Aibek Amantayev, Deputy Head of the Logistics Department of the Kazchrome LLP branch, “Kazmarganets” Zhibek Imanbekova, Chief specialist for the development of partnership relations at the BankCenterCredit JSC Aidana Esbayeva, Director of the Zhang IE Alexander Zhang, hydrographer of the Dutch VanOord Company Tolegen Zhumabekov, Accountant of the Wooppay financial and technical Company Oksana Zgardan and many others.

It is pleasant to note that at the meetings with manufacturing partners, practical problems were solved along the way. Thus, at a meeting with students and teachers of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction, the opening of the Union of Young Architects with the support of the Union of Architects of the City of Karaganda was announced. It will play an important role in the formation of a new generation of architectural solutions, combining modern technologies, sustainable development and a creative approach to urban construction.

At the same time, the key issues of career and personal growth were discussed. For example, one of the participants of the Decade of Faculties was a graduate of the double-degree program of study at the University of Shanghai Commonwealth Organization, Amankeldy Akhmetov. He has told about what this program is and what it gives. In general, when listening to the guests of the Decade about the path they had taken in the profession, it should be noted that all of them were distinguished by persistence, hard work, and a desire to constantly improve their knowledge.

The Decade was an excellent platform for exchanging knowledge, establishing partnerships and discussing current problems and solutions in various fields. Such events will certainly contribute to the development of students’ professional skills and strengthening cooperation between education institutions and industry organizations.
