Saginov Technical University discussed the project of creating a prototype of a passenger bus with the participation of students and postgraduates

On January 20, a meeting was held between the management of KTU named after Abylkas Saginov, consisting of the Members of the Board – Vice-Rectors for Science and Innovation – A. Mekhtiyev, for Strategic Development and Digitalization – T. Kanapyanov; Chief of Staff A. Isagulov with the participation of deans and heads of individual departments and doctoral students with the head of the Corporate University A. Aitbaev.

The main issue that was discussed during the meeting was the issue of creating a prototype of its own passenger bus based on QazTehna with the active participation of KTU named after Abylkas Saginov, namely students and postgraduates. As well as students of the College of Innovative Technologies. They should form the backbone of the team that will begin to create a prototype almost from the very beginning within the framework of a strategic partnership with the Chinese company Yutong, that is, from the selection of material for the lining and casting of parts of the passenger bus being created to its complete assembly. According to the head of the Corporate University, Aidos Sadvokasovich, they are interested in involving second- and third-year students in the creation of a prototype of a domestic bus, who could kill two birds with one stone – get good production skills, backed up by theoretical knowledge. And act not as simple performers of certain tasks, but also as creators of the prototype. However, everything is not as simple and easy as it may seem at first glance. A lot of difficult work lies ahead in order to present a calculated and well-founded plan for creating a prototype of a passenger bus by the end of this year. Then there will be execution, testing and its refinement.

The university is required to release the recruited team from study to work on the project. Since they will have to study not within the walls of the university, but in the conditions of the operational shop, in production.

Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation A. Mekhtiev and the head of the staff A. Isagulov noted the high responsibility of the university, which is entrusted with work on an undoubtedly interesting project. And they suggested involving doctoral students in this work, who could help with their knowledge and ideas.

Having resolved a number of organizational issues, the management and representatives of the KarTU named after Abylkas Saginov supported A. Aitbayev’s proposal to visit QazTehna LLP next Friday. In order to get acquainted with the capabilities and technical equipment of the enterprise on the spot. All this in addition to the presentation presented to the meeting participants, which made it possible to judge the modern, high-tech, environmentally friendly and international quality standards production of passenger buses and electric buses, quarry, construction and road equipment in Kazakhstan.

But, as they say, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. See you soon at the enterprise!
