On the eve of the bright spring holiday of Nauryz, there were several pleasant events both on a national scale and at our University. The most significant and discussed event was the holding of the IV meeting of the National Kurultai and the speech of President of the country Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev. At the expanded Academic Council of Abylkas Saginov KTU that took place on March 18, 2025, the University staff discussed the key issues related to the development of higher education and science in the country. Dinara Gosmanovna Shormanbayeva, head of the APK and SHD Department, made a report on the initiatives of the President announced at the meeting of the National Kurultai “Adal Azamat”, the key ideological driver of the country’s development.
The meeting participants noted that the National Kurultai provided a unique platform for the exchange of experience between different regions and representatives of scientific, educational and cultural spheres. At the meeting, the ideas expressed at the National Kurultai were supported, and several meeting participants made reports in support of the initiatives voiced. They emphasized the need for further development of educational programs aimed at training specialists capable of responding to the challenges of the time, as well as the importance of integrating scientific research and educational processes to ensure the country’s innovative growth.
More than once, we will return to this issue and the issues he raises that concern almost all the areas of the country’s life, They require deep understanding and more detailed elaboration from everyone.