RULES of internal regulations in the dormitory of Karaganda state technical University

1. General provisions

1.1 These rules of internal regulations in the dorms of Karaganda State Technical University are local act, implementation of which is necessarily for all students living in dormitory.
1.2 Earliest check-in of nonresident students (students, undergraduates, doctoral students) in the dormitory of KSTU (hereinafter University) is maed on the application, signed by the vice-rector for educational work, the dean of faculty and administrator of the dormitory.
1.3 When moving into the Dorm between the student and the University is a residential lease from the administrator of the dormitory in 2 copies.
1.4 Indweller in the dormitory should provide to the administrator a statement about the provision of dormitory accommodation, the tenancy agreement, proof of identity, proof of passage of sanitary control, the payment receipt.
1.5 Indweller in dormitory must study these Rules, go through the safety briefing, conducted by the engineer for TS of University.

2. Rights and obligations of living in the dorms

2.1 Living in dormitories have a right to:
2.1.1 to use the premises of educational, cultural and sports purposes, equipment and inventory of the dormitory;
2.1.2 to elect and be elected to organs of self-government of the dormitory, to participate in their work;
2.1.3 to participate through student Council in addressing issues of housing and welfare, the organization of educational work and leisure activities, equipment and design houses, rooms for independent work.

2.2 Living in the dormitory are required to:
2.2.1 before moving to present the receipt of payment for accommodation for one semester, to make duplicate keys of the room and block, then return the spare set of keys to the administration of the dormitory within two days;
2.2.2 to pay for accommodation twice a year, before the beginning of the semester, with the provision of payment receipts of the administration of the dormitory and to the deans of the faculties (copy);
2.2.3 to care of the premises, equipment and furniture of the dormitory, to be liable for the property transferred to it in personal use in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2.2.4 to reimburse the cost of the lost or damaged tools and equipment, to compensate for other damages caused to the University;
2.2.5 to participate in space repairs of residential premises and the common areas at their own expense;
2.2.6 to be allowed in a dwelling representative of the University for inspection of technical condition of premises, sanitary-technical and other equipment that are in it, and to perform the necessary work;
2.2.7 in the case of disturbances of the dwelling, equipment or communications that are in it, immediately take possible measures to eliminate them and report them to the administration of the dormitory;
2.2.8 to maintain proper sanitary condition of the dwelling, perform wet cleaning of the accommodation and public areas, staff areas and in the rooms of the residence according to the established schedule. Cleaning schedules are prepared by the heads of the floors with the President of the student Council and coordinated with the administration of the dormitory;
2.2.9 to comply with sanitary-epidemiological rules and norms, including the supply of bed linen (duvet cover, sheets, pillowcase) as necessary, but not less than once in 7 days;
2.2.10 economical use of electricity and water;
2.2.11 strictly observe the instructions of use permitted electrical appliances;
2.2.12 to comply with the Statute, the Statute on student dormitory, these Regulations and other local acts of the University, the safety Regulations, the tenancy agreement;
2.2.13 to keep silence in the dormitory from 23.00 hours to 6.00 hours;
2.2.14 to execute the instructions of the elders floors, and Student Council, the administration of the student residences that are eligible to file a petition for eviction for violation of the Rules of residence;
2.2.15 to come to the meetings held in the dormitory;
2.2.16 daily to view the information on the Bulletin Board. To oblige the heads of the floors to bring to the attention of the students the necessary information;
2.2.17 under the contract of hiring the premises during the eviction (including the holidays) to rent the room and all of its outstanding them bedding.

2.3 Living in the dormitory is prohibited:
2.3.1 to transfer their pass to strangers and leave them overnight in the dormitory;
2.3.2 drink alcohol and/or appear in a hostel in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or other toxic intoxication;
2.3.3 to use narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription to consume or other intoxicating substances, store, distribute narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances;
2.3.4 to carry, store and/or use in living rooms and on-site dormitories weapons, including pneumatic, traumatic and cold;
2.3.5 hold meetings of a religious nature, activities prohibited by the Law «On freedom of conscience and religious associations»;
2.3.6 smoking in homes and public areas (including hookah);
2.3.7 arbitrarily to settle and to move from one room to another;
2.3.8 unauthorized transfer inventory from one room to another;
2.3.9 to make a mess and fix the wiring;
2.3.10 to install additional electric heaters in the living and common areas;
2.3.11 to include radios, tape recorders, TVs with volume that exceeds the audibility in the room;
2.3.12 pasted on the door of the living room and in the common areas, except in specially designated places, ads, timetables, reproductions of paintings;
2.3.13 arbitrarily insert in door living rooms or to replace existing door locks;
2.3.14 unauthorized disassemble the furniture and build walls;
2.3.15 to be kept in student’s dorms animals;
2.3.16 voluntarily to organise the dancing, discos and other public events;
2.3.17 to throw away from Windows, debris, and other objects;
2.3.18 to go to the roof, climb to the attic, to stand and sit on the window sills;
2.3.19 to use at night from 23.00 to 06.00 household premises for cooking.

3. Liability for violation of these Rules

3.1 For violation of these Rules in accordance with University procedure students living in dormitory can be applied in the public action, administrative action, disciplinary or other sanctions in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and local acts of the University.
3.2 For violation of these Rules they are subject to the following disciplinary actions:
3.2.1 observation;
3.2.2 reprimand;
3.2.3 eviction from the dormitory to the termination of the concluded contract.
3.3 The disciplinary sanction is applied directly upon detection of the violation, but not later than one month from the day of its discovery (not counting the time disease or location of a student on vacation).

4. Reasons for eviction from the dormitory

4.1 Residents can be evicted from the dormitory of the University in the following cases:
4.1.1 use of premises for other purposes;
4.1.2 destruction of or damage to dwelling residents or other citizens for whose actions they are responsible;
4.1.3 failure of living students from registration by place of stay;
4.1.4 violation of contractual obligations by making payment;
4.1.5 lack of living students in the dorm without written notice to the administrator of the dorm for more than two months;
4.1.6 appearance in the dorm in a state of alcoholic or drugs intoxication, Smoking on the territory of the dormitory;
4.1.7 use of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without appointment of the doctor or the consumption of other intoxicating substances, storage and distribution of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances;
4.1.8 storage of living students in the dormitory of explosive, chemically hazardous substances or firearms;
4.1.9 violations of resident rights and legitimate interests of neighbours, which makes it impossible cohabitation;
4.1.10 single gross (or systematic) violations of statutes, Rules of internal labor and training regulations, policies (internal regulations), other local acts of the University, the terms of the tenancy agreement in dorms;
4.1.11 contributions of students from the University before the end of the training period by reason of a violation of these Rules, statutes and Rules of internal labor and training schedule;
4.1.12 at the personal request of the living student;
4.1.13 in dismissal from the University after the period of training;
4.1.14 other cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and local acts of the University.
4.2 Student, expelled for gross violation of Rules of stay in dorms of the University, would be barred from re-settlement in dorm.
4.3 The Eviction from the dormitory of the University, as a measure of disciplinary sanctions applied in consultation with the student Council of the hostel and Disciplinary Board, and issued by the rector.
4.4 The eviction of residents from the University dormitory is respectively: for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan – within three days from the date of issuance of the order, for foreign citizen – within 7 days from the date of obtaining exit visas.
