A Round Table with Representatives of Universities from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan Held at Saginov Technical University

On December 20, the Department of “Mine Surveying and Geodesy” at Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University hosted a round table. The event featured an international guest, Vice President of the International Society for Mine Surveying (ISM), Doctor of Technical Sciences, and Professor at the Department of “Mine Surveying and Geodesy” of S. Saidkosymov Tashkent State Technical University. Also, in attendance were distinguished scholars, including Doctor of Technical Sciences and Professor at the Department of “Mine Surveying and Geodesy” of Satbayev University, M. Nurpeisova, and Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, and Head of the Laboratory at the D. Kunayev Institute of Mining, N. Zhalgasuly.

Representatives from our university included Doctor of Technical Sciences and Professor F. Nizametdinov; Doctor of Technical Sciences and Associate Professor V. Dolgonosov; Doctor of Technical Sciences and Associate Professor S. Ozhigin; Candidate of Technical Sciences and Associate Professor O. Besimbayeva; Candidate of Technical Sciences and Associate Professor S. Ozhigina; and the Head of the Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences and Associate Professor E. Khmyrova.

During the round table, participants discussed pressing issues in the training of qualified specialists in mine surveying and geodesy, scientific work, and international collaboration.

Іt was noted that the Department of “Mine Surveying and Geodesy” at our university is the only one in Kazakhstan that provides three-tier education in the field of “Mine Surveying.” This achievement is the result of the cohesive efforts of the entire department team. A significant milestone was the launch of the doctoral program in “Mine Surveying”.

Colleagues shared their successes and achievements and proposed a program for the upcoming forum of the “Union of Mine Surveyors of Kazakhstan” founded by its president, Academician of the National Academy of Engineering of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NAE RK), F. Nizametdinov.

The International Forum of the “Union of Mine Surveyors of Kazakhstan” is scheduled to be held at Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University in September 2025. Since its establishment in 2011, the “Union of Mine Surveyors of Kazakhstan” has been actively involved in this field. Every two years, the Department of “Mine Surveying and Geodesy” organizes events involving industry professionals, department alumni, and scientists from both near and far abroad. Round tables and forums address challenges in mine surveying and geodetic control of objects across various economic sectors of Kazakhstan, as well as the application of digital technologies for cartographic and geodetic support as part of the state program “Digital Kazakhstan”. The planned forum will continue to work in this direction and serve as a new step toward achieving the outlined goals.
