Құрметті магистранттар мен жоғары GPA жоғары курс студенттері!


You have a unique opportunity to take a 2-week internship in one of the most prestigious universities in Cyprus – middle East University in Nicosia.

You will have:

– lectures of leading teachers of the University;

– visiting the major industrial companies of Cyprus;

– accommodation in comfortable campus dormitories;

– 3 meals a day;

– study materials;

– certificate.

This program is open to graduate students and students enrolled on the following directions: «Economics and management», «Architecture and construction», «environmental studies», «Electrical and electronic engineering, Mechanical engineering, Marine engineering». Working language is English.

For participation it is necessary to organize a group of 5-50 years and above graduate students and/or students.

The price is acceptable, undergraduates enough funds allocated MES RK for the research internship abroad.

If you have any questions please contact office 309a of the main building.
