Results of the intramural stage of the competition “The best teacher of the university” of 2020

By the decision of the Competition Commission, the following teaching staff is recommended for consideration by the Academic Council for participation in the Republican stage of the competition “The best teacher of the university”:

Full name Department Points




1. Шоланов Корганбай Сагнаевич АПП 109 98
2. Портнов Василий Сергеевич GEMD 90 80
3. Пак Дмитрий Юрьевич GEMD 67 67
4. Югай Вячеслав Викторович ТСS 65,5 65,5
5. Кадыров Адиль Суратович TELS 58 58
6. Мусаев Медгат Муратович TEMS 57,5 57,5
7. Шаихова Гульназира Сериковна HM 54 54
8. Калинин Алексей Анатольевич IСS 57 51
9. Рахимберлинова Жанар Балтабаевна CCT 56 51
10. Копбалина Қымбат Бағдатқызы Physics 52 50
11. Касимова Сауле Суюндыковна KH 49 49

Appendix (Minutes of the meeting of the Competition Committee)
