Results of the International contest of students scientific works (projects) on «Mathematics and its applications in science and engineering»

On April 2, 2021 International remote contest of students scientific works “Mathematics and its application in science and technic» was held among Master and bachelor students of Kazakhstan and CIS universities.

There were working two sections in the frame of contest:

  • Mathematical and computer modeling
  • Applied mathematics

A jury was formed to summarise the results: Doctor of Engineering Sciences, professor Kazhikenova S.Sh. (head of the jury), Doctor of Engineering Sciences, professor Tutanov S.K., Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, associate professor Mustafina L.M., Candidate of Engineering Sciences, acting associate professor Shaikhova G.S., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, acting associate professor Abayeva N.F., Candidate of Engineering Sciences, acting associate professor Zhurov V.V.

The following 30 scientific works among Master and bachelor students under the direction of Kazhikenova S.Sh., Shaikhova G.S., Mustafina L.M., Zhurov V.V., Abayeva N.F., Tuleutayeva Zh.M., Shegebayeva G.Ye., Mergembayeva A.Zh., Yarullina A.R.

There were the works from South-West University «Neofit Rilki» (Bulgaria), MIPT, LETI (Russia), KTU, KU named after Ye.A. Buketov, KETU,  AUPET and so on.

Following the jury’s selection, the winners in the contest categories were announced as follows:

  • Yekaterina Mochalova, Alina Marenova, Sergey Ponomarev, KTU, first degree diploma in the category “Actual science problems”, supervisor: Yarullina A.R.
  • Dias Seitkaliev Өmirserikuli, KU named after Ye.A. Buketov, second degree diploma in the category “Actual science problems”, supervisor: Alibiyev D.B.
  • Danil Marsilievich Gabdrakhmanov, Rustam Meiramuly Mukashev, KTU, first degree diploma in the category “Research work of an applied nature”, supervisor: Abayeva N.F.
  • Kuanyshev Alisher, Kazakhstan University of Engineering and Technology, second degree diploma in the category “Research work of an applied nature”, supervisor: Aizhanova A.E.
  • Maxim Vitalievich Avdeyenko, Nikita Yurievich Fritzler, KTU, first degree diploma in the category “Mathematics in programming”, supervisor: Yarullina A.R.
  • Beisova Karina Sagynbekovna, Kim Alik Alekseevich, KTU, second degree diploma in the category “Mathematics in programming”, supervisor: Yarullina A.R.
  • Mukhametzhanova Altyna Meyrambekovna, KU named after Ye.A. Buketov, second degree diploma in the category “Mathematics in programming”, supervisor: Seitimbetova A.B.
  • Orynbay Gulmira Talgatkyzy, KU named after Ye.A. Buketov, second degree diploma in the category “Mathematics in programming”, supervisor: Alibiyev D.B.
  • Serik Muhammed-Әli Askhatuly, Amantai Diaz, KTU, first degree diploma in the category “Scientific Student Debut”, supervisor: Shaikhova G.S.
  • Tursyn Aspandiyar Zhanaiuly, KTU, second degree diploma in the category “Scientific Student Debut”, supervisor: Shegebayeva G.Ye.
  • Kaltaeva Asyltas Amangeldyzy, Ospan Akerke Shaikhislamkyzy, KTU, second degree diploma in the category “Scientific Student Debut”, supervisor: Tuleutayeva Zh.M.
  • Mels Nazerke Jasulanovna, KTU, third degree diploma in the category “Scientific Student Debut”, supervisor: Mergembayeva A.Zh.
  • Türar Әlihan Talgatuly, KTU, third degree diploma in the category “Scientific Student Debut”, supervisor: Shegebayeva G.Ye.
  • Smailova Merey Segizbekovna, KTU, first degree diploma in the category “Applied aspects of mathematics”, supervisor: Mustafina L.M.
  • Dmitry Alexandrovich Lapushkin, Daniel Konstantinovich Konradi, KTU, Dmitriy Yurievich Revaev, MIPT, second degree diploma in the category “Applied aspects of mathematics”, supervisor: Zhurov V.V.
  • Urazymbetova Tursynay Zhakypovna, KU named after Ye.A. Buketov, second degree diploma in the category “Applied aspects of mathematics”, supervisor: Kazhikenova A.Sh.
  • David Vladimirovich Shumakov, KTU, Vladislav Andreevich Markinov, LETI, third degree diploma in the category “Applied aspects of mathematics”, supervisor: Yarullina A.R.
  • Kostousova Elizaveta Alekseevna, Gumarbek Daukeev Almaty University of Energy and Communication, first degree diploma in the category “Applications of mathematical modeling”, supervisor: Baisalova M.J.
  • Slambek Diana, KU named after Ye.A. Buketov, second degree diploma in the category “Applications of mathematical modeling”, supervisor: Samoilova I.A.
  • Kirgeev Arman Baurzhanovich, KTU, second degree diploma in the category “Applications of mathematical modeling”, supervisor: Kazhikenova S.Sh.
  • Saratovkina Angelina Pavlovna, KU named after Ye.A. Buketov, third degree diploma in the category “Applications of mathematical modeling”, supervisor: KAzhikenova A.Sh.
  • Latinka Kirilova Evlogieva, South-West University «Neofit Rilki», first degree diploma in the category “Professionally-oriented mathematics”, supervisor: Mitko Stoev.
  • Danil Sergeyevich Golubev, Anel Sattarovna Isabekova, KTU, second degree diploma in the category “Professionally-oriented mathematics”, supervisor: Abayeva N.F.
  • Aknazar Zarenuly Dyusembayev, Kamila Kayratovna Kadysheva, KTU, second degree diploma in the category “Professionally-oriented mathematics”, supervisor: Abayeva N.F.
  • Zharmkhanbetova Anar Ardakkyzy, KU named after Ye.A. Buketov, first degree diploma in the category “Mathematics in cybersecurity”, supervisor: Kazhikenova A.Sh.
  • Zal-Rustamov Aset Kairatuly, KTU, second degree diploma in the category “Mathematics in cybersecurity”, supervisor: Zhurov V.V.
  • Brinster Wilhelm Vladimirovich, Dzhumabaeva Karina Azamovna, KTU, first degree diploma in the category “Mathematics in the modern world”, supervisor: Yarullina A.R.
  • Nurbekugli Zaurbek, KU named after Ye.A. Buketov, second degree diploma in the category “Mathematics in the modern world”, supervisor: Seitimbetov A.B.
  • Beisenbek Akerke Abdulhakimkyzy, KU named after Ye.A. Buketov, third degree diploma in the category “Mathematics in the modern world”, supervisor: Alibiyev D.B.
  • M. Physik, S.J. Karbekov, T.T. Toleutay, M.S. Orlov, KTU, third degree diploma in the category “Mathematics in the modern world”, supervisor: Yarullina A.R.

