INFORMATION MAIL Republican Scientific and Practical Conference “MODERN TRENDS IN SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY”, dedicated to the 125th birthday of Saken Seyfullin 125 years |
Dear teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates and students!
On October 31, 2019, the Department of the Russian Language and Speech Culture of Karaganda State Technical University holds the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Trends in Science, Education and Technology”, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of Saken Seyfullin.
The form of participation in the conference is full-time and distance (distance).
Applications for the conference and abstracts are accepted until October 15, 2019 by e-mail:
Following the results of the conference, a collection of reports is generated in electronic format, which will be sent to all conference participants.
The conference is held in the following sections:
Section 1. The influence of the literary heritage of Saken Seyfullin on the spiritual and moral education of youth.
Section 2. Actual issues of language education in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Section 3. Innovations in the educational space: problems, solutions, proposals.
Requirements for the design of materials:
The volume of work is no more than 2 pages (pages must be full) of A4 format (210 × 297 mm). The font of the text is Times Roman Roman, size 14, single line spacing, book orientation, 2 cm margins (top, bottom, left, right). Align the line to width. Indention – 1.25 cm.
In the text, footnotes are indicated by square brackets indicating the serial number of the source. At the end of the text is a list of references. Tables and figures should not go beyond the bounds of the main text.
The names and initials of the authors are indicated in bold italics on the first line in the upper right corner, the city and name of the organization are indicated in brackets. If there are several authors, the order is preserved for each author. If the work is written under the guidance of a supervisor, the name of the teacher, academic degree, academic rank, position are indicated.
In the center, in bold letters in capital letters indicates the TITLE OF THE ARTICLE.
A sample report is given in Appendix 1.
The author pays the cost of publication by mail to the bank details of KSTU.
Full-time and part-time participants must pay 1000 (thousand) tenge.
RSE at the PHV “KarSTU”
RNN 301 700 030 344
BIN 000 240 004 524
The beneficiary’s bank:
Bank Center Credit JSC IBAN KZ638560000000147366 (KZT)
When paying for the publication, in the “Appointment” paragraph, it is necessary to indicate the name of the conference organizers – the Department of the Russian Language and Speech Culture of KSTU.
The authors are solely responsible for the content of the submitted materials. The organizing committee reserves the right to select the proposed work. Reports that do not pass the text check for plagiarism, do not correspond to the conference topics and requirements for the text, submitted later than this deadline will not be included in the conference program.
Conference address: Karaganda, 56/1 N. Nazarbayev Avenue, main building, 338 auditorium.
The beginning of the conference on October 31, 2019 at 10 o’clock in the audience 338 of the Main building of KSTU.
Application for participation in a student conference
Name of the author (s)
Student city, organization, position / group
Information about the supervisor (full name, academic degree, academic rank, position, place of work)
Section Name
Title of the report
Annex 1
Akhmetov A.A.- student of KSTU
scientific Head – B. K. Tungushbaeva, Lecturer of the Department of Nanotechnology and Technology, KSTU
The scientific style of speech is a key topic in teaching the language of a specialty in a technical university. For all the variety of styles of the Russian language, the scientific style is one of the most popular, and its genre diversity determines the specific laws of use in speech communication.
The role of a specific speech situation in the scientific field for professional communication is especially relevant. Scientific and professional speech is the main object of study, and since the options for verbal communication are diverse and different, mastering professional speech is a complex and interesting phenomenon …
- Ivanova S.I. Terminology as the main feature of the scientific style. – M .: Nauka, 2013 .– 134 p.