Reporting concert of creative teams

On April 22, 2016 in the city of Karaganda concert hall “Shalkyma” has passed a concert of creative teams of the University.
During the concert, 15 clubs demonstrated their talents and successes. Students of the project “Mangilik El zhastary-industriyaga!” — “Serpin-2050” with great interest participate in creative circles. In particular, they are members of club “Saryarka Sazy”, “Vocal”, “Soz patshasy” and women’s club “Korkem”.
Members of the club “Saryarka Sazy” play beautifully on the lute, while the participants of the group “Vocal” sing beautiful songs. Members of the club of poets “Soz patshasy” who know how difficult it is brings the verses to the hearts of listeners, read their poems. Women’s club “Korkem” organize the exhibition of national dishes and folk arts “Ademi-AI”.
