Report of the scientific-practical round table on the topic: «SULTAN BEYBARYS – TURKIC PERSONALITY AT THE CONTACT OF CIVILIZATION»

26.10. 2023 13:00-15:00 KarTU named after Abylkas Saginov, building 1, in the auditorium «Business skills park» (Business skills park), held a round table on the topic «Sultan Beybarys – a Turkic personality at the junction of civilization» Organizers: Ph.D., associate professor of the department «History of Kazakhstan» B.G. Nugman.

Goal: Formation of patriotism and civic responsibility

Objectives: Educating young people in the values ​​of our history and encouraging creative potential in the interests of society for the purpose of professional development.

The head of the department, Ph.D., made a congratulatory speech. associate professor Temirgaliev Kudaibergen Abaevich and candidate of historical sciences, professor Kasymova Saule Suindikovna. They also invited candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor of the «Bolashak Academy» Kasenov Elaman Baltayuly.


  1. The image of Sultan Beybarys in the minds of a generation
  2. Sultan Beybarys in folk literature
  3. The image of Sultan Beybarys in historical research

Rules of the round table:

The report was no more than 10 minutes, there were slide presentations and videos.

The winners of the best works were awarded a certificate on behalf of the Vice-Rector for Educational Work, and were also published on the Instagram page.


  1. Seilkhanova Aizhan Nuraleevna – IS-23-2, (researcher, supervisor Nugman B.G.).
  2. October Moldir Ilyaskyzy-BT-23-1, (researcher, supervisor Nugman B.G.).
  3. Tugalova Setora Nadirjonovna – BT-23-1, (researcher, supervisor Nugman B.G.).
  4. Kalieva Ayaulym Kayratovna – BT-23-1, (researcher, supervisor Nugman B.G.).
  5. Madieva Bayan Madievna – IS-23-3, (researcher, supervisor Nugman B.G.).
  6. Yeschanova Tomiris Erkebulanovna – ITmedicine, (researcher, supervisor Nugman B.G.).