Remember those who defended our Motherland!

2 October 2017, a solemn meeting of the Academic Council dedicated to 90th anniversary of veteran of GPW,veteran of KSTU Serafima Grigorievna Ponomareva.

The name of Serafima Grigorievna is known to the teachers and students of KSTU. This modest, charming woman embodies in her personality all those who did not chance their arms, protecting the Homeland, and after the war dedicated her life to the high ideals of education, science and creativity, she was at the forefront of the base of Karaganda State Technical University.

The rector of KSTU, Doctor of Engineering, professor Marat Kenesovich Ibatov was the first who congratulated on the hero of the anniversary. In his congratulatory speech, he noted the merits of the Serafima Grigorievna in time of war, and her selfless service to the Motherland in time of peace. Words of gratitude and admiration dedicated to the celebrant were mentioned by the Chairman of Karaganda regional organization of the Kazakhstan branch of the Trade Union of workers of education and science Tatyana Filippovna Samoilyuk, Deputy Chairman of the Karaganda regional branch of the RPA “Organization of veterans” Fedor Prokopievich Ermakov, Deputy Chairman of the Karaganda Council of veterans Alexandra Prokopievna Slepova. A single word was presented to the representatives of the engineering faculty, where Serafima Grigorievna worked for more than 22 years.

Having sufficient technical resources, and most importantly a desire to perpetuate the life of the common human, who lived in a difficult epoch, KSTU staff created a commemorative booklet and a short documentary video, where was reflected the major milestones of her biography to the 90th anniversary of Serafima Grigorievna.

After the official part of the event, Serafima Grigorievna was awarded a commemorative address. All the participants were able to talk personally with Serafima Grigorievna – participants of the grand historical events. And this touching meeting made a truly lasting impression, because Serafima Grigorievna served under the command of one of the greatest generals of the last century – Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov, worked on the famous Nuremberg trials. For her military work Serafima Grigorievna was awarded the order of Patriotic war of I and II degrees, medals for the liberation of Warsaw and capture of Berlin.

The gala event is no exception to the rules of KSTU, administration and staff of which can guide the younger generation on high achievement in the present and future, at the same time instill in them the traditions of the great past.
