“The ball of rector”

University of the First President of the RK celebrates jubilee “The ball of rector”, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of KSTU on May 3, 2013 from 18.00 to 21.00 o’clock at hotel complex “Olympia”


Trade-Union organization of KSTU students «Zhas Orda» to the Day of Unity of peoples of Kazakhstan has been pursuing a «The ball of Rector», dedicated to the 60-anniversary of KSTU, which will be held on May 3, 2013 at hotel complex «Olympia». The aim of this event is organization of aesthetic cultural leisure of students, to promote secular etiquette, stimulation of social activity of students. This year the ball is held for the first time and has gone down a treat and has become one of the most anticipated events of the year!
«Ball of Rector» will open debutants with original dance, set specially for the ball. The debutants were selected on casting, 60 pairs to the 60-th Anniversary of the University.


Due to well thought-out programme of the ball there will be a special atmosphere of the holiday, where every guest becomes a participant of common holiday and enjoys it. Our ball completely breaks a stereotype that guests of the ball are just spectators. We haven’t any spectators! Everyone is involved, and how is a secret and our guests on a «Ball of the Rector» will know about it.
Organizers of «The Ball of Rector» – initiative group of the students Union of KSTU «Zhas Orda».

