Regional seminar on “the Explanation of the main principles of traditional Islam and its differences from the ideology of destructive currents”

From 5 to 7 November 2014 in Karaganda state technical University was held a regional workshop to improve the skills of scientists, psychologists, historians, political scientists, sociologists, secondary, vocational and higher education institutions on the theme: “the Explanation of the main principles of traditional Islam and its differences from the ideology of destructive currents” for the prevention of religious extremism and terrorism.

The organizers were KSTU, SI “Department of religious Affairs of Karaganda region” and SI “Department of education of the Karaganda region”.

The moderator of the seminar was made by the Chairman of the NGO “Nurly Bilim”  Syzdykov Rustem Malikovich.

At the seminar the participants discussed the issues of improving the prevention, coordinating all public segments to counteract the destructive religious movements. They emphasized the need to strengthen prevention of religious extremism in society, especially among youth, as well as the formation of religious consciousness appropriate to the traditions and cultural values of the secular state – the Republic of Kazakhstan, where there interfaith peace and harmony, respects and promotes the human rights of both believers and citizens who hold atheistic beliefs.

The workshop participants reviewed the basic principles of the traditional beliefs of Islam, the way of identifying representatives of destructive currents and methods of prevention of religious-motivated extremism and terrorism. There were presents and explains the methods work with different types of audience.

Participants and guests of the seminar stressed the importance of such events, because they contribute to improving religious literacy of civil servants and the General population.
