Gazaliyev Arstan Maulenovich – Doctor of Chemical Science (1991), Professor (1992), a Corresponding Member of Kazakhstan National Academy of Science (1994), Academician of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2003), a Working member of the New-York Academy of Science (1995), Academician of the RK People Academy “Ecology”, Laureate of State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education, science and technology (2003), Academician of the International Academy of Information Science, Information Process and Technologies (2006), Academician of KNANS (2009, Academician of the RF Mining Academy (2011), Chairman of the Karaganda branch of the RK Engineering Academy (2012), chairman of the Karaganda city election commission, member of the Republican Anticorruption Public Council at “Nut Otan” party, member of the Public Council for matter of legality provision at the Karaganda region Prosecutor’s Office.
Arstan M.Gazaliyev graduated from the Chemical Department of Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov. He began working as a teacher of the organic chemistry chair of Karaganda State University, then he worked as an associate professor and doctorate of the Karaganda Cooperative Institute where he contributed greatly into young specialists training. He worked as an academic secretary, the laboratory head, and as deputy director on scientific work of the Institute of Organic Synthesis and Coal Chemistry of the KazSSR AS, deputy academician secretary of the Central Kazakhstan division of the RK NAS.
In Karaganda A.M. Gazaliyev developed a scientific school in the field of modification of industrially available alkaloids and nitrogenous substances by nanotechnological methods. Among the number of synthesized 2000 new organic compounds there were revealed highly effective substances possessing anti-tumor, anti-phthisis, nootropic and other kinds of biological activity. A number of new compounds were recommended for deep pre-clinical and clinical studies (Cytaphate, Acemorphim, Antiherpes, Anatioph, Ephiphate, Amicoskin). For the first time in the republic of Kazakhstan there was developed and used the method of microwave activation in organic synthesis.
From 1996 to 2008 he worked as the first vice-rector of Karaganda State University, Kazakhstan-Russian University, and from 2006 to 2008 as the Rector of East Kazakhstan State University (EKSU) named after S. Amanzholov. Under his leadership EKSU took the 4th place instead of the 17th in the rankings among Kazakhstan Higher Education Institutes.
Since February 2008 А.М. Gazaliyev heads successfully Karaganda State Technical University which is the flagman of technical education in the country. The University develops dynamically in all positions including the academic, teaching-and-methodological, scientific and educational work.
А.М. Gazaliyev is the author and a supervisor of the unique model of patriotic education on the example of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a co-leader of the international project “Synergy’ (Kazakhstan, Austria, Russia, the Ukraine) for forming virtual training laboratories.
In 2001-2003 he was a member of the Commission on the RK State prizes in the field of science, technology and education at the RK Government. He is a member of the RAS Scientific council (Moscow) on electrochemistry of organic compounds. In 2000 and 2006, 2008-2010 he was a holder of the State scientific scholarship for scientists and specialists who contributed greatly into developing science and technology. He is a member of the Commission on distance learning of the Council on cooperation in the field of education of the CIS countries. He made a great contribution into developing Kazakhstan-Russian University and technologies of distance learning in Kazakhstan.
The results of the long creative activities of A.M. Gazaliyev are reflected in over 690 scientific works, including 16 monographs, 5 books, 9 textbooks, 39 author’s certificates and patents.
The RK NAS academician А.М. Gazaliyev gives a lot of forces and time to young specialists training. A lot of his apprentices work in different places of the Republic. He trained 12 doctors and 46 candidates of sciences. Among them there are winners of the State Prize, Foundation of the First President award and the International award “Debuts Community” for young scientists of the CIS countries.
А.М. Gazaliyev was conferred the order “Kurmet” (2009), Honor diploma of the RK Ministry of education and science (1999), Honor diploma of the RK President (2004), breastplates “Excellent worker of the RK education” (2000), “For services in developing the RK science” (2001) and “Honor worker of the RK education” (2003). He has I. Altynsarin breastplate (2007), a gold medal of the RAS “For contribution into scientific cooperation” (2001) and jubilee medals “10th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2001) and “10th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2005), a breastplate “Honor worker of coal industry (2010). In 2010 he was conferred the International prize in the field of mining after academician A. Skochinsky, a breastplate “Miner’s Glory” of the 3 degree”.
Full biography of academician of the national academy of sciences of Kazakhstan A.M.Gazaliev