On 28 April, the qualifying round of the largest International engineering championship “Case-in”on solution of energy and mineral resource of cases, effective transfer tool of the future engineers of practical knowledge, experience and new competencies was held at Karaganda State Technical University.
The championship will cover 47 high schools from 35 regions of Russia and Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan during 4 months of work. More than 3,000 students will compete for the Championship final, which is traditionally held in Moscow on 30 and 31 May 2017.
International engineering championship “Case-in” consists of five fields (leagues): Electrical Power Engieering, Mining, Geological Exploration, Metallurgy, Oil and gas business. The project aims to identify and support active, talented and motivated students from leading universities of Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia, conducting training, mining profile, and electrical power engineering.
KSTU participates in the championship for the fourth year. This year the regional stage of competition in our University includes 2 directions (League): Mining (8 teams) and Electrical Power Engineering(5 teams). In the direction of Electrical Power Engineering, qualifying tests are held in two stages: the first one was held on 28 April, the second stage of the championship — on 4 May 2017 and will be held in online mode. In the second stage, our students will compete with students of universities of Belorussia and Kyrgyzstan.
The championship is the current educational project of the mining and energy sectors, which formed one of the most modern techniques of learning – the business case. The championship is a competition in which student teams have ten days to solve the engineering case, prepared on the materials of industry-leading companies and to defend their ideas in front of Expert Commission consisting of representatives of industry companies, scientific and educational organizations.
The ideas of participants of the qualifying round were evaluated by a specially-formed expert jury, which included representatives of major regional companies, industry experts and business case studies, and scholars of the University:
- in the direction “Mining” – General Director of “NOVA ZINC” LLP S.Yu. Assan, Vice-President on Production of “ShubarkolKomir” JSC A.A. Safonov, chief technologist S.T. Omarov, chief project engineer of “KARAGANDAGIPROSHAKHT” LLP T.T. Bondarenko, professor of Department DMR I.D. Arysstan and Dean of the Mining Faculty A.B. Imashev.
- inthe direction “Power Engineering” – Deputy Director “Ugleservis” CD JSC L.A. Avdeyev, Deputy General Director of “Karaganda Zharyk” LLP D.K. Ermagambetov, head of substation I.N. Davydov, Director of “KAZPROMAVTOMATIKA” LLP V.A. Chaika, Dean of Power Engineering, Automation and Telecommunications Department F.N. Bulatbayev, head of the Department “Automation of Production Processes” professor I.V. Breydo.
At the end of the qualifying tournament, 3 teams that will participate in the final stage of the championship were identified in the direction “Mining”:
- 1 place – “Karmetan” team (Sergei Artemiev, 3rd course, “Economics of enterprise”, AldiyarKazken, 4 course, “Underground development of mineral deposits”, ZhandosNurzhigitov, 4 course “Development of mineral deposits”, Aleksey Andriyenko, 4 course “Development of mineral deposits”;
- 2nd place – “Marksheider” team (Ivan Ivanov 3 course, “Mine surveying and Geodesy”, AlekseiSigarev 3 course, “Mine surveying and Geodesy”, Ivan Subbotin, 3 course, “Management of Enterprise”, Mikhail Suleimenov, 2 course, “Mine surveying and Geodesy”;
- 3rd place – “Reduction” team (AldiyarOralbay, 3 course, Mine surveying and Geodesy”, AbzalYessenbayeva3 course, “Mine surveying”; Vladislav Andreyev, 4 course, “Mine surveying and geodesy”).
The following team passed to the semi-finals of the League in the direction Power Engineering:
- 1 place – “KSTU Energy” team (Rabi Akimbay, 4 year, “Automation of Production Processes”, MergenZiyadaev, 4 year, “Electric Power Engineering”, AlikhanBekaidar, 4 year, “Electric Power Engineering”, DinaraAbisheva, 4 year, “Automation of production processes”);
- 2nd place – “Tesla heritage” team (AltinayBekisheva, MalikaMukhamedina, Sabine Usseinova, 4th year students of “Power engineering systems”);
- 3rd place was awarded to the team “Mr.Wolfe” (Valery Ivanov, Oleg Dodonov,AdilkhanKussainov, YekaterinaShaforostova, NikolayOshkov, 3-year students of specialty “Automation and control”).
At the end of May 2017, the winning teams passed to the final of the championship will participate in the final competition, which is traditionally held in Moscow. There they will compete for the title of best engineering student teams and for the opportunity to pass practice and internship in industry leading companies.