History of the department of «Architecture and design»

Department of «Architecture and design»


The Chair “Design, Architecture and Applied Mechanics” was established on the basis of the decision of the Senate by combining the Chair of “Architecture and Design” with the department “Mechanics”.

History of the chair “Architecture and Design”.

The creation of the chair of “Architecture and Design” was preceded by 14 years of the department of the specialty “Architecture” together with the chair “Technology of building production and architecture.” Specialty 050420 “Architecture” was opened in 1997 under the guidance of Head of Chair of B.B. Bakenova (1979-2001).

During the period existence of the specialty “Architecture” the Department TBPA were led by: E.E. Orazaly (2001-2003., 2005-2007., 2009-2010.), G.K. Epov (2003-2005.), P.A. Kropachev (2007-2008.).

Among the first teachers who took part in the opening of the specialty “Architecture”, include: Professor, Ph.D. Zhakulin A.S., associate professor, RK Architects Union member S.A. Lebedev, senior teachers: B.A. Kulpeisova, member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan L.I. Ustyantseva and T.G. Roglian, professor PhD, a member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan L.R. Zolotareva.

Among the well-known masters of architecture at various stages existence of the specialty work involved architects – professionals, members of the Union of Architects of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the Honoured architect of Kazakhstan, honorary architect of Kazakhstan S.I. Mordvintsev, candidate of architecture E.G. Melikov, honorary architect A.V. Titarev, architect A.G. Boykov, chief architector of Karaganda region S.F. Dautbergenov, chief architector of Karaganda region K.J. Dzhiembaev, A.G. Matsynin, V.A. Chmielewski and others.

Since 1999, the teaching staff of the department was joined the faculty practices Ust-Kamenogorsk school of architecture: E.K. Mashtakova, M.V. Lubchenco.

In 2011, a new department under the name of “Architecture and Design” has been formed by the incorporating departments “Architecture” and “Design” of the Department “Technology and organization of construction industry”. Currently, the department manages the candidate of architecture Reva M.V. Professionals and young graduates from different years KSTU on specialty “Architecture” work at the chair “Architecture and Design”.

The chair has specialized classrooms for cycles “Architecture”, “Design”. In the exhibition hall of the chair “Architecture and Design” presented a rich methodological foundation with the best student work for the entire period of the specialties “Architecture” and “Design”. Since the founding of the specialty “Architecture” in KSTU is successfully conducted career guidance and job training students for the entrance exams for creative drawing and composition, which led by associate professor, a member of the Republic of Kazakhstan Lebedev S.A. and senior lecturer G.A. Abdildina. At the Palace of children and youth in the Small Academy of Sciences successfully working section “Architecture” under the guidance of assistant professor, member of architects union of the RK S.A. Lebedev.

Over the years, it was released 120 professionals-architects, including students and professionals bachelors on specialty “Architecture”. It must be said that all the students – the architects who graduated from KSTU employed and demand in Karaganda and beyond.

History of the “Mechanics” department

Department of “Mechanics” was established September 1, 2006 on the basis of the incorporating of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics and Applied Mechanics.

Over the years, the Department of Strength of materials were led: Associate Professor, Ph.D. S.U. Umbetalin (1959 -. 1976), S.B. Battakov (1976 – 1988). From 1988 till 1997 the department was headed by prof., Ph.D. A.Ş. Bozhenov. From 2000 to 2013 the Department was headed by prof., Ph.D. Zh.B Bakirov.

The department of Strength of materials were worked S.U. Umbetalin, N.I. Lysenko, E.E. Abilov, A.S. Amanov, K.S. Syzdykov, B.S. Kolokolov, K.M. Yugay, Z.M. Rakhimbekova, S.B. Battakov, P.P. Vinyarski, A.T. Tursunov, M.D. Tusupbaev, V.F. Atamanov, A.M. Kozlov, S.K. Tutanov, V.L. Borunov, E.N. Akbasov, Z.R. Rakhimov, E.A. Shamber, K.B. Bozhenova, T.H. Zhetpisov, A.N. Eralin, N.J. Zhaychibekov, S.R. Shalabekov, A.Sh. Bozhenov, F.F. Muratshin, S.K. Elmuratov, N.T. Zhadrasinov, S.I. Pankevich.

The first head of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics was Associate Professor, Ph.D. S.U. Kahn (1962 – 1968, 1971 – 1975), one of the first teachers of KarPTI (since 1953), a graduate of Leningrad State University (1938). In 1968 – 1971 years  the department was headed by prof. A.Şh. Bozhenov. From 1976 to 2003 the department was headed by prof., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Laureate of the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR D.N. Eshutkin. In the period 2003 – 2006 department was headed by Associate Professor, Ph.D. A.K. Kozhakhmetova; prof., Ph.D. S.K. Tutanov; prof., Ph.D. N.T. Zhadrasinov.

At the Department of Theoretical Mechanics worked B.G. Khristenko, V.V. Chertykovtsev, M.P. Mendikenova, K.K. Mendikenov, V.S. Grigorchak, D.G. Gogrichiani, E.N. Geyer, K.R. Ryskulov, K.O. Orazov, Z.A. Romanenko, Yu. Nikolaev, A.Ya. Zheng, V.K. Ten, V.R. Ten, G.S. Ten, V.L. Kobylyansky, V.L. Isaev, G.D. Rusakov, K.A. Tursunov, E.U. Akashev, V.V Kovtunenko, E.V. Hoffman, V.A. Meck, A.F. Yelmuratova, Z.M. Smagulov A.A. Karzhaspaev, F.F. Kremer, G.G. Piven, Yu.M. Smirnov, S.K. Tutanov, Sh. Tuyakbaev, G.K. Taimanova, P.P. Palev.

During the existence of the department were defended 23 candidate and 6 doctoral theses (D.N. Eshutkin, Palev P.P., A.Sh. Bozhenov, Yu.M. Smirnov, N.T. Zhadrasinov, Bakirov Zh.B.).

In 1998, at the basis of Department for the first time in the Republic of Kazakhstan was opened a specialty 250240 – “Dynamics and strength of machines”. The main scientific direction of the department is the research on the mechanics of solid deformable body and dynamics of machines on which the last 4 years 6 master’s theses are protected. Department from year to year is expanding its research and communication practices database: Novosibirsk State Technical University (Novosibirsk city), EKSU (Ust-Kamenogorsk city), Department of Mechanics of the University named after E.A. Buketov, KazNTU (Almaty city), PSU (Pavlodar city), LP NAN-LTD (Karaganda city), JSC of Mittal Steele (Temirtau), Kargormash (Karaganda city), non-ferrous metals processing plant ( Balkhash town). In the department of laboratories (Aud. I of-100, I of-132A) equipped with modern testing equipment (MI-40U, SM-1), the department created a computer class (room. I of-102). In the audience I-115 was created a special class for the classes with the use of audio and video equipment.

In the department of “Applied Mechanics” is produced training in a number of educational and basic disciplines: “Theoretical Mechanics”, “Strength of Materials”, “Theory of machines and mechanisms”, “Applied Mechanics”, “Engineering Mechanics-1”, “Mechanics”, “Mechanical calculation of telecommunications systems”.
