Professor of Punjab University Dr. Rab Nawaz Lodhi gives a series of lectures for undergraduates and doctoral students at Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

From November 17 to December 17, 2022, the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University hosts a foreign scientist Dr.Rab Nawaz Lodhi, Associate Professor of the University of Punjab (Lahore, Pakistan), visiting research scholar at the University of South Florida (USA), scientist in strategic management and business analytics, with a 9 h-index, guest editor of the journal “Hospitality and Tourism Technology”.

Professor Dr.Rab Nawaz Lodhi reads at the department a series of lectures for postgraduate and doctoral students on courses such as “Presentation Skills” and “Leadership & Management Skills”, where participants receive comprehensive information about the importance of developing leadership and managerial qualities and their role in the education system . Professor Dr.Rab Nawaz Lodhi highlighted optimization strategies and shared his useful experience in the field of management.

The lecture series provides an invaluable learning opportunity for our undergraduates and doctoral students: they are provided with the fundamental theories of management and its importance for engineers, so that they can use the acquired knowledge about the implementation of management activities in developing their professional careers.

Also, a foreign scientist Dr.Rab Nawaz Lodhi conducts practical classes for third-year undergraduate students, during which our students studying a professionally oriented foreign language get the opportunity not only to practice their speaking skills, naturally acquiring colloquial vocabulary and the basics of grammar, but also in parallel, they study the culture of another country – Pakistan
