Inviting domestic and foreign scientists to give lectures, conduct master classes and organize research projects

1. During the period from 07.11.19 to 06.12.19 at the department (1-215), PhD lectures were organized and held online . BSc (Hons) MBIFM FHEA Margaret-Mary Lilian Nelson (United Kingdom, University of Bolton, Faculty of Advanced Engineering and Sciences) on “Modern methods of teaching and learning improvement”, “How to find the right journal in Scopus. Predatory Magazines ”,“ How to get  published  in journals indexed by Scopus and Web of Science ”. Consultations for master’s degree candidates and doctoral students on the theme of thesis writing were held.


2. During the period from 01.28.19 to 02.01.19 the department was visited by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Tkach Evgenia Vladimirovna from the National Research University of Moscow State University for the purpose of consulting for master’s degree candidates  and doctoral students of specialties 6D072900 – “Building” and 6D073000 – “Production of building materials , products and structures”.



