Presentation competition «Syr Tungan Saryarka»

On April 14, 2023, as part of the «Rukhani Zhangyru» program, the Department of History of Kazakhstan held a presentation competition «SyrTungan Saryarka». 1st year students from all faculties of KarTU took part in the competition. Organizer of the competition: candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Kasimova S.S.       The purpose of the competition: knowledge of one’s history, spiritual and cultural heritage, formation of national identity. Objectives of the competition: collect material about the sacred places of Saryarka, folk legends, memories. The competition was held in 5 areas: 1. Natural landscape heritage (peaks, rocks, caves);2. Medieval cities and architectural monuments;3. Religious and religious sites that are places of worship;3. Places associated with creative, historical figures;4. Places where significant historical and political events took place;A total of 18 works were submitted to the competition. Based on the results of the competition, the jury members determined the following prizes:1st place – 02nd place – 21) Doskazhanova Daria (S-22-2) (scientific supervisor, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Daniyarova A.E.);2) Amanbek Marlen (LOG-22-2s) (scientific supervisor, m.p.d., senior teacher Nurligenova Z.N.)III place – 31) Satenova Anel, Muradov Emran-bey, Gerzhik Vladimir, Amanzholov Alim, Isataev Amir, Efimenko Evgeniy (ND-22-2) (scientific supervisor, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Amerkhanova Zh.B.);2) Madet Shugyla (ARH-22-1) (scientific supervisor, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Kasimova S.S.);3) Ermagambetova Karina (gymnasium named after K. Nurzhanov, 11 “A” class) (scientific supervisor, M.P.S., senior teacher Nurligenova Z.N.)
