Посетили городской зоопарк г.Караганды, в рамках волонтерского движения «Экосубботник».

Кафедра «Информационно-вычислительные системы»

For the second year in a row, students of the groups (IS-21-1, IS-21-2, IS-21-3, VT-21-1, VT-22-1k, IS-22-1, IS-22-3, IS-22-4, IS-20-3) The Department of ICS of the Karaganda Technical University named after A.Saginov, together with the teachers curators Seipisheva E.K., Saimanova Z.B., Sagatbekova D.E., Mutovina N.V., Mukhametzhanova B.O., Kisina M.K., Oleinikova A.V., Tau A.G., Savchenko N.K., Alina G.Zh., visited the city zoo G.Karaganda, within the framework of the volunteer movement “Ecosubbotnik”. This event has become not only a tradition, but also an important moment in the calendar of our university, emphasizing our commitment to the environment and the education of students in the field of ecology. The teachers, in turn, used this experience to demonstrate practical examples and discuss theoretical aspects related to environmental problems. This allowed students to better understand the importance of environmental issues and their impact on our world. The eco-sabbath at the zoo has become a great opportunity to combine education

