125 лет Сакену Сейфуллину

В рамках года молодежи, в целях патриотического воспитания 19 марта 2019 на кураторском часе кафедры высшей математики была проведена викторина между студентами групп ОП-18с и ТТ-18с на тему: «125 лет Сакену Сейфуллину». Кураторами групп Шегебаевой Г. Е. и Мергембаевой А.Ж. совместно Read more …


Schedule of certification

 Ι Semester № borderline control The validation period The term of the input estimates into a database Univer 2.0 Ι 01.09.18г. – 20.10.18г. 15.10.18г. – 20.10.18г. II 22.10.18г. – 08.12.18г. 03.12.18г. – 08.12.18г.


List of UMKDP courses

№ Discipline Specialty code 1 Mathematics 5В074500 2 Mathematics 1 5В070100 3 Mathematics 1 5В070200 4 Mathematics 1 5В071300 5 Mathematics 1 5В071600 6 Mathematics 1 5В071800 7 Mathematics 1 5В072400 8 Mathematics 1 5В073100 9 Mathematics 1 5В073200 10 Read more …



    Tutanov K. Serikpay, Head of Department, full professor, higher doctorate technical sciencesIn 1969 graduated from KAZGU majoring in “Mathematician”. In 1985 protected candidate, and in 2002 the doctoral dissertation. Results of long-term creative activity of Tutanov S. K. are Read more …



Chair of higher mathematics The Department of Higher Mathematics is located in the first building of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University, auditorium 309, contact phone 56-59-32, ext. 2008. Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, 100027, Karaganda city, Ave. Nursultan Nazarbayev, 56. Е-mail: kafedra.vmim@mail.ru Read more …



LIST scientific and educational works TUTANOVA SERIKPAYA KUSPANOVICHA   1 Elektornny Education textbook elements of simulation (for example, transport processes, and control the state of rock) Printed Certificate of state registration of intellectual property № 106 of March 21, 2008 Tutanov M.S.  Abdygalikova G.A. Aubekerova J. N. 2 The influence of the angle of dip and depth of anchoring the wall rocks on the stability of excavation Read more …



No credibility there is in the sciences, where you can not make any of the mathematical sciences, and that has no connection with mathematics. Leonardo da Vinci The mission of the Department of “Higher mathematics” is to train highly qualified Read more …
