День тюркской письменности и культуры

В рамках празднования  Международного дня тюркской письменности в ДМ «Жастар Әлемі» 17 мая 2019г. состоялась научно-практическая конференция, организованная Международным общественным фондом «Наследие кочевой цивилизации» для учащиеся школ и гимназий г.Караганды, при участии сотрудников НИИ патриотического воспитания, центра ПОР, ДМП. Целью Read more …


April 25, 2019 at the Department of “Mine aerology and labor protection” was held a Round table on the topic “Patriotic education of students and sustainable development in the Republic of Kazakhstan”

The event was moderated by Professor of the MAaLP Department Yuri Obukhov. It was attended by staff of the Department, students of BZhD-16-3, BZhD -17s, BZhD -15-3, master students. Invited: G. Sukhorukov, Chairman of the Association of professional ecologists in Read more …


18.04.2009 in the center of KDM “Zhastar Alemi”, Department of history of Kazakhstan in the framework of the program article of the First President of Kazakhstan N. Ah.Nazarbayev “Seven faces of the great steppe” held the festival “Cradle of the Turkic peoples” among students of 1-2 courses, organized by St. prep. Abdrakhmanova A. A.

  The purpose of the festival is to strengthen friendly relations between the peoples of Kazakhstan, the harmonization of interethnic and interethnic communication, mutual enrichment of cultures, which will allow everyone to feel like a link in the continuous chain Read more …


”United Kazakhstan” festival was conducted within the framework of the direction “Competitiveness of national program” of the national program “Rukhani zhangyru”

On April 17, 2019 at 15-00 o’clock in the “Jastar Alemi”  of Karaganda State Technical University, ”United Kazakhstan” festival  was conducted within the framework of the direction “Competitiveness of national program” of the national program “Rukhani zhangyru”. The goal: encouraging Read more …
