Mechanical Engineering faculty

Departments of the faculty of Mechanical Engineering The Department of Nanotechnology and metallurgy The Department of «Technological equipment, engineering and standardization» Department of Foreign Languages Programmes Academic Process Educational Work International cooperation Science Individual faculty page Dean’s CV History Awards Read more …


Head’s CV

The department of «Nanotechnology and metallurgy» BALBEKOVA BAKHYT KABKENOVNA Faculty: Mechanic Engineering Academic degree: Ph.D., Associate Professor Position: Head of the Nanotechnology and Metallurgy department Biography: She was born in the Karaganda region in the 6th of the June 1959. Read more …


On February 18, 2020 an mentoring session was held with the students of group ST-18-1 in honor of the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev by a senior lecturer Amangeldina Gulsara Amangeldinovna, in the Department of Foreign Languages of Karaganda State Read more …


Mechanical Engineering faculty Graduates Club

Mechanical Engineering faculty Order establishing the Graduates Club Protokol-zasedaniya-Kluba-vypusknikov-kafedry Implementation plan of agreements with CU for 2023-2024 The plan of visiting meetings of MF departments at KU enterprises for the academic year   About the activities of the Faculty of Read more …



Mechanical Engineering faculty   Mechanical engineering was and is the foundation of all other sectors of the economy, and the degree of their development depends on its plane. Professor E. Shevtsov History of Mechanical Engineers Training begins from 1959, when Read more …
