Presidential tests

Since 12.09.2022, on the basis of the Abylkas Saginov KarTU sports complex, the teachers of the Department of Physical Education have started taking Presidential tests and determining the level of national readiness for physical culture. The entire second year is Read more …


Autumn cross

On 17.09.2022 in the city’s central park, the traditional Golden Autumn cross was held among university students, colleges, PL students, production teams and veterans of “40+”. The teams of the Abylkas Saginov KarTU performed at these competitions in the following Read more …


From 03/15/2022 to 03/16/2022, competitions in the following sports were held among the student youth of the universities of the Karaganda region as part of the XVI Spartakiad:

Athletics, coach, senior lecturer of the Department of Physical Education, Cheryasova O.Yu. and the teacher Tazhibai M.Zh., the national team-Podgornaya Daria ARCH-21-4,Siverskaya Ekaterina T-20-2, Begina Yulia TSAF-20-3, Musina Aliya DIZ-20-1, Zhakip Indira SIB-20-2, Erbolkyzy Aruna GD-21-3, Marenova Alina EE-20-3,Seksembayeva Amina Read more …
