At the Department of Physics from 10.09 to 03.10 2018. was invited to give lectures, the Organization’s scientific seminar cathedral and advice on scientific subjects, “the computer program modeling of nanostructures in order to increase the effectiveness of mate-rials creation of modern optoelectronics” Professor of the St. Petersburg-venous University The State has included in the Top-400 world ranking of universities doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Smirnov, Mikhail Borisovich




At the Department of  Physics from 10.09 to 03.10 2018. was invited to give lectures, the Organization’s scientific seminar cathedral and advice on scientific subjects, “the computer program modeling of nanostructures in order to increase the effectiveness of mate-rials creation Read more …


On April 13-14, 2017, the section “Natural Sciences” of the Republican Student Scientific Conference “Contribution of youth science to the implementation of the” Kazakhstan-2050 “Strategy was held.

Participation of the students of the first course showed readiness to continue work on the senior courses in the chosen scientific subject, devoted to the problems of using fundamental natural sciences in the implementation of the main provisions of SPIID(The State Read more …


In the technical lyceum № 2 of Karaganda the teachers of the Physics Department held a STEM-conference with graduates, which presented the Department of Physics of KSTU, provided information on the preparation for admission to technical specialties of KSTU, on the work of the preparatory department and Sunday school.

As a result of the discussion, the students received answers to their questions, including methods for solving problems of increased complexity.  


For students FCDL

The periods of control and watershed entering the results of full-time students№ landmark control Сlassific period The term enter ratings into a database AIS KSTU   № border control Attestation period Term of input of estimations in the base of these Read more …



The main goal of the department of physics is to provide educational services to justify the expectation of consumers. The mission of the department is to ensure the transfer of knowledge and experience to enable student to prepare for high-performance Read more …


Scientific Papers

LIST scientific and methodological works of Yuri Mikhailovich Smirnova for 2009-2014. NNn/n Name The nature of work Output Volume Collaborators 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Gdravlichesky vibration-seismic modulus print (Article) The scientific journal “Mining Magazine Kazakhstan», № 5, Read more …


On November 7, 2013 the 55th traditional interinstitute Sports contest on 15 sports started. The first sport – table tennis.  32 students took part in competitions.  Command results: 1 place – Power Engineering, Communication and Automation Institute 2 place – Read more …


A mathematical model of vibration-mine seismic unit

УДК 622.23.05: 622.235 МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКАЯ МОДЕЛЬ  ШАХТНОГО ВИБРАЦИОННО-СЕЙСМИЧЕСКОГО МОДУЛЯ Кенжин Б.М., Смирнов Ю.М., Саттаров С.С. Шахтный вибрационно-сейсмический модуль предназначен для передачи вибрационно-сейсмических сигналов в углепородный массив при проведении мониторинга за его состоянием и обнаружения нарушений различного рода. Основным элементом модуля является Read more …
