Material resources for learning

The main purpose of the Teaching-methodological council of the department of welding and foundry production is to improve the quality of training of students of the university and improvement of methodological support of training of specialists in the light of Read more …



 OF THE DEPARTMENT WELDING AND FOUNDRY The department was organized in 1965 in Karaganda by corresponding member of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Techn. Sciences, professor Gruzinov Vladimir Konstantinovich, originally called the department “Factory equipment”, and later became Read more …


Specialties of department “Welding and Foundry”

The department is preparing 5B071200 “Machine-building” bachelor degrees on two paths of study: – Welding equipment and technology of production” – “Machinery Foundry” When the training Graduates «5B071200 – Engineering” is assigned an academic degree “Bachelor of Engineering”. Then they Read more …



Scientific and educational-methodical works Bartenevs Igor Anatolievich №№ The name of the The natureof the work Publisher, journal (name, number, year)orCopyright certificate number Volume,the number ofpages The names Ofsponsors 1 Technological features of high alloy  surfacing alloys printed(article) International scientific-technicaland Read more …



  curatorial hours for the students of the first course on the topic “The Republic of Kazakhstan in the system of world politics” (2 semester) № The name of the curatorial hours study week 1 The role of the President Read more …


Informational letter

Informational letter Karaganda state technical university (KSTU) with formed Kazakhstan Welding Institute in 2011 entered International Welding Institute. In 2012 at KSTU began pilot project of Welding Institute of France (IS) on training specialists of welding production on programme of Read more …



The Chair of “Welding and foundry manufacture” prepares the bachelors on a speciality 5В071200 “Мechanical Engineering” on the basis of the credit system. Learning path: – Equipment and technology of welding production; – Machines of the foundry industry For the Read more …


Our graduates

  Shigaev Timur Geroevich Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor. Graduated from CPTI in 1973. He occupied the position of head of the department “technology and Equipment of welding production” from 1986 to 2004.     Bartenev Igor Anatoljevich Candidate Read more …
