13 ноября 2020 года в рамках программы «Рухани жаңғыру», в системе онлайн прошла поэтическая мушайра среди молодых поэтов университета «Дүниеге келер әлі талай Қасым»

13 ноября 2020 года в рамках программы «Рухани жаңғыру», в системе онлайн прошла поэтическая мушайра среди молодых поэтов университета «Дүниеге келер әлі талай Қасым», организованный заведующая кафедрой казахского языка и культуры Калыбековой К.С и  старшими преподавателями кафедры казахского языка и Read more …


“Literary lounge” on the theme “great scientist, orientalist, historian, geographer, folklorist, educator, orientalist Chokan Valikhanov”, dedicated to the 185th anniversary of the scientist”

REPORT on the Literary drawing room dedicated to the 185th anniversary of Chokan Valikhanov   On November 5, 2020, teachers of the Department of Russian language and culture held an event “Literary lounge” on the theme “great scientist, orientalist, historian, Read more …


June 1-6, 2020, the Department of Russian language and culture together with the Institute of advanced training of Karaganda state technical University organized courses “Current aspects of continuing education: school-College-University”

The training courses were attended by University and College teachers, teachers of urban and rural schools. Institutions of higher education was represented by such universities as University. Abaya, KazUIR & WL. Abylai Khan University JSC Narkhoz, SKMU them. Marat Ospanov, Read more …
