Educational Work

The plan of educational work for the academic year (semester) Сuratorial schedule hours Schedule of master classes List Facilitators   Each graduate must be a patriot of his matherland, his university, institute and department, to show love for their country, Read more …



Education and research activities in the department “Mining Machinery and Equipment” based on the best traditions of high school. In the department work11 full-time teachers, including 3 doctors of technical sciences, 3 PhD, 4 teachers and one assistant. During the Read more …


List Facilitators

  List Facilitators Name Group Post Phone Урпекова Биганым Амангельдиевна ГМ-13-1 профорг 8-775-764-82-61 Рыженко Алексей Алексеевич ГМ-13-2 профорг 8-705-847-71-60 Әлменов Ботагөз Ардаққызы ГМ-12-1 профорг 8-705-260-19-33 Поддымников Сергей Игоревич ГМ-12-2 профорг 8-777-948-22-33 Мамбеталиев Мурагер Эрикович ГМ-11-1 профорг 8-700-926-61-81 Вишнякова Алена Олеговна Read more …


Material base

  Educational material-technical base of the department is a collection of learning objects, material and technical means for provision of training of students on a speciality, and also to perform scientific research and training of scientific and pedagogical staff. Educational Read more …



         The Department of mining machinery and equipment is one of the oldest at Karaganda State Technical University. The idea of indissoluble connection of the educational process with scientific researches founded and developed at the department, republican and Read more …


Head’s CV

Zholdybaeva Gulnar Sabitovna He graduated in 1993, the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, “Technology of mechanical engineering, machine tools and instruments”. After graduation he worked with GG 1993-1994 RGSHO machine works in a department chief construction. On October 1, 1994. and is Read more …



  Department of mining machinery and equipment (former name of the department – “Mining machines and mining trucks ” and ” Mining machines and systems “) is one of the oldest in the Karaganda State Technical University . It was Read more …



    Head of Department of «Mountain cars and the equipment» candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Malybaev Nurlan Sakenovich    The address: Republic of Kazakhstan, . Karaganda, etc. Boulevard Of Peace 56\1, Building #1, room 184 Working phone: 8(7212) 56-59-32(2038) E-mail:;


International cooperation

Partner universities of the Department of Mining machines and equipment are Louisiana Technical University (USA), Moscow State Mining University, Orel State Technical University, Ural State Mining University(Russia), Tashkent State Technical University, Navoi State Mining Institute (Uzbekistan), Caunas technical university(Lithuania). 14 Read more …


The alumni club

Since 1958, the department “Mining machinery and equipment” (GAMET) prepare technical specialists for mining-industrial complex of Kazakhstan, near and far abroad. Since the foundation of the department issued more than 20,000 professionals in the field, “Mining machinery and equipment” and Read more …
