
Doctors and professors: 1. Head of Department of EP Akhmetzhanov B.A. – Member of the Academic Council of KSTU, editorial board of the journal “Labour KSTU” Professors 2. Alpysbaeva Nazim Amangazievna – Director Economics and management faculty, member of the Read more …


List of elective courses

List of elective courses for the working of the curriculum 5V050600 specialty “Economy” in the 2011-2012 academic. year   № Component selection credits The list of disciplines The trajectory of a study –  “The economy in the social sector and Read more …


Work Curriculum

5V050600 specialty “Economy” Study – Full-time   № code name Distribution by Semester hours Total hours From them exams Course work Corse work cretits Audit hours lictions Practical work Lab work srs srsp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Read more …


Schedule of graduation examinations

T R A F K passing the state exam specialty 050908 “Evaluation” full-time students and IZDO Start 1400  Auditorium 320, IV Bldg.   Name Group Date 06.06.2012 Alimzhanova Sholpan Toleugazaevna OC-08-2 Bedritsky Alina Vladimirovna OC-08-2 Allen Anatolievna Brown OC-08-2 Walecki Catherine Read more …


Еducational plan by the members

№ Name of the educational plan The name of the teachers 1 2 3 Specialty 050506 “Economics” 1 Finance Khabibulina T.V., Karimbayeva G.A. 2 Government regulation of economics Ten N.V., Ueazbekov A.K. 3 Marketing Akhmetzhanov B.A. 5 Economics of enterprise Read more …


Classroom fund

The material base for the learning process is made up of fixed classroom fund. -lecture halls are equipped with video projectors, interactive whiteboards and computers, allowing students and teachers to use modern learning technologies (video lectures, slide lecture); – сomputer Read more …
