We invite you to take participation in Forum of Kazakhstans surveyors; I meeting of Presidium of Kazakhstans surveyors Innovative technologies in miner survey February 15, 2013. Karaganda
АО «Центр Международных программ»
АО «Центр Международных программ» продлевает срок приёма документов для самостоятельно поступивших с 19 ноября по 30 ноября 2012 г. на получение стипендии «Болашак».
MASHAV programme under MFA of Israel holds international courses in Israel, in English language on themes: Teaching methods. Youth in the risk group: prevention of expulsion of students and assist in new enrolment during February 11-March 12, 2013. Admission of Read more …
In honour of 60th anniversary open wireless network WIFI KSTU_OPEN is launched at KSTU.
Admission for language courses
To attention of students and KSTU staff! Admission of listeners for language courses of the “Language trinity” Centre after Shakarim Kudayberdiyev continues by the following programmes:
Training courses
KSTU holds intake for preparatory department for applicants who didn’t garner liminal ball on the UNT, CTA as well as graduates of previous years. Educational process at preparatory department is organized so to help auditors in maximal way to fulfill Read more …
Attention students and teachers!
Republic national TV-channel “Kazakhstan” till October 8th of the current year carries out the two-day shooting on TV program «Қазақ тілі – арың бұл».