“Zhas Kanat”

9.10.12 starts five-day progamme of autumn international departure school of trade union leaders “Zhas Kanat” The aim of departure is development of relations between active youth of Karaganda and trade union leaders of other countries and cities, to attract freshmen Read more …



01.10.2012 in front of the Main building of Karaganda state technical university will a scale flash-mob dedicated to the Day of elderly people and also coming teachers Day. At 15.00 organizers of flash-mob in the person of activists of trade Read more …


«What? Where? When?»

September 22, 2012 at 13.00 in 401 aud. Of the Main building of KSTU will be a tournament of intellectual game «What? Where? When?» among the first-year students Since the appearance of intellectual game “What? Where?When?” in 1975 has passed Read more …


“Centre of educational policy”

Karaganda state technical university Karaganda, B.Mira, 56 Phone/fax: 56-88-01 E-mail: kargtu@kstu.kz Data message www.kstu.kz September 12, 2012 Dear editors and journalists! Representatives of the “Centre of educational policy” AEO “Nazarbayev University” (hereinafter – CEP) within the scope of holding scientific-research Read more …
