Scientific and Technological University (Krakow, Poland).  NTU (AGH-UST, in polish – Akademia GÓrniczo Hutniza and in English- Scientific and Technological University) is located in Krakow , which for many centuries was the capital of the Polish state , the Republic Read more …


University received invitations to the conferences:

January 30-31, 2014 will be held International correspondence scientific and practical conference «Fundamental and applied research, development and application of high technologies in Economics, Project management, Pedagogy, Law, Cultural studies, Linguistics, Management, Biology, Chemistry, Political science, Psychology, Medicine, Philology, Philosophy, Read more …


Modern education abroad

Make your first step towards your future! 1. Xinjiang University 2. European University of Lefke All wishing to receive full details please contact centre of postgraduate training, located main educational building, office 323 B.



All Supervisors of projects financed by Committee of science of MES RK! Results of report expertise are announced on state budget financing. Results are directed to emails of scientific supervisors. 


Till January 25, 2014.

1. Full-time staff must fill out a form and attach a copy of the certificate 2. Part-time workers must give only copy of the certificate Download the form
